
The appetite Baby

Your toddler never finishes his plate and always asks to be reused ... Keep control of quantities, according to appetite Baby!

Baby's appetite generally varies depending on what he calls his body. If he eats a big plate of pasta, perhaps it is because he has spent much playing? Take a quick glance in his health book: while it remains in the growth curves, you have no reason to worry.

Baby eats like a bird

Do not feed on or be forced to eat, he could be a blockage and be disgusted for ever from certain foods. Serve it in small quantities, even to be reused. It might be discouraged by a large plate that his appetite for sparrows will not be able to overcome.

If he has a small appetite, perhaps he upset? It happens to you ... Do not panic, it will catch up to the next meal.

Baby keeps asking again and again

Do not feed to infinity! "A baby a little chubby is cute, but when it is young, he will suffer from its excess fat," says Brigitte Boucher. Even if the child is not large, it can get used to eating large quantities. His appetite will grow with him. His body still require more than average, which later may lead to weight gain

Your piece of cabbage finished the packet of crisps in front of his cartoons before dinner, now he's mashed avoid sulk ... The solution: permanently banned snacking! If your child calls you to eat in the early afternoon, tell them they must wait until lunch.


When and how to start learning to taste with your child?

Before his two years your child is entering a period of great culinary greed. Take this opportunity to begin learning to taste, to discover it full of new flavors. But no matter how.

Here are some tips for successful learning of taste Baby:

- Avoid the explosion in the mouth too many tastes. Once that baby is familiar with different foods (to be introduced one after another), combine to tasty food tastes less intense. Ask him, for example, red meat with sweet potatoes.

- To enhance the flavor of vegetables without distorting, use spices. Cilantro and carrots go well together, cumin goes well with pumpkin and thyme magnifies the cauliflower.

- For him to discover the full flavor, use a consistency slightly compact, such as mashed potatoes, with a more liquid, a tomato, for example.

- If vegetables are not aesthetically pleasing once mixed, use trickery. To avoid the mashed beans or grainy, add zucchini, binds it all!

Learning starts early taste

Already in your tummy, his sense of taste is being established.
Amniotic fluid changes taste depending on your diet,
baby learns to different flavors.

After birth, the great discovery of aromas continue with breastfeeding as you eat this flavor your milk.

Through these early experiences taste, your spitz will certainly
find it easier to try new foods when the food diversification.


Say baby, what you dream?

Responses scientists are still hypothetical about dreams Baby. One thing is sure, at night, it Cogitate!

What's more cute than mine Baby concentrated when he sleeps deeply and then suddenly the smile or frown as if a question, the capital, had to arise in his mind? This range of facial expressions is hiding secret intense life ...

Well, whatever the proponents of the "baby-vegetable". Few grams of soft full of love not only sleep blissfully they dream! and not just ...

8 hours a day dream!

You knew that already, many babies sleep, the newborn flying the record with 16 hours per day, per period of 3 to 4 hours. But did you dream that 50 to 60% of the time is 8 hours a day! Various experiments have shown that sleep is divided into several phases, accompanied by signs. Read the article on the train sleeping

You've always noticed that the "restless sleep", when baby shows mimic called "social" (smile, surprise pout, disgust, pain) that would almost believe he is awake. The brain electrical activity is intense, eyes move under the eyelids, small fingers agitated, etc..

It's the equivalent of sleep "paradoxical" in adults, during which we dream.
But the most surprising is that baby was already dreaming well before they are born ...

Dreams are essential to its development

Thanks to advances in ultrasound, it is possible to observe the twentieth week of gestation the fast movements of the eyes and fingers, signs that the fetus dreams too ... By the end of pregnancy, sleep "paradox" is indeed most of his "naps" as in the first months of life.

But why so much and especially at this time? In fact, the researchers suspect these phases of dreams to play a role in the development of central nervous system, therefore the brain at a time when Baby lack of external stimuli.

Even more surprising, these phases would be essential in the process of memory and even, according to another theory, "re-programming genetics.

They avoid that learning accumulated in the day too impregnate memory. In reliving the dream in its way, baby forge its own identity. This explains why, despite an identical environment, each toddler remains different .


Baby is an early bird!

Even if the future belongs to those who get up early, this is no reason to leave Baby you awaken to the aurora! Our tips for the wait in "his" room ...

Not easy to stand on the right foot when, at dawn and 7 days on 7, baby you tirelessly plays the fire Walkirie Richard Wagner with his tambourine! Or support it jumps on you while you just get to know Claudia Schieffer and Brad Pitt (in a dream, of course!) ...

But even if your little one is not a groundhog, it may, from an early age (around 5 / 6 months), learning to wait a little in his bed.

No, not necessarily baby hungry!

Once it has risen to four meals a day, he no longer needs the bib 'on the night. If he awoke at 5 / 6 h does not scream off at full speed towards the kitchen for him to heat the milk.

Let it rather "piailler" ten minutes perhaps going back to it? And if you really feel that it is not about to fall into the arms of Morpheus, plan for babies at least two years in a small snack (a boudoir and a little milk in a small bottle) for take care and help to wait until the morning. Place it near his bed so that it can be used alone or take it himself and recouche you!

Not enough sleep: Baby in bed rest

There is no doubt that if baby fell asleep at 21 pm and woke up at 5 am, his time of sleep is not enough. His internal rhythm is simply clamped together: Baby likes to play when the alarm clock, calls your arm, a bottle and then plays a little, is puts sleep again.

But on your side, impossible to return to sleep ... Your only chance to wake you up in shape? Baby to learn to going back, alone.

Black is black ... If the light passes between the slats of his store from 4 / 5 hour of the matt, baby may very well think "Yay! It is daytime so I get up. " Simple dark, thick curtains will overcome this problem.

Teach him the patience to wait ... for yourself! At first call, "plug your ears and wait 10/15 min before going to his room. Once with Baby, let him understand that this is not the time in whispers (as if it was the night!) That "there is no question of getting up now."

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